Saturday, August 1, 2009

Flip Flop Feet

Here's a tip from my e-pile (from Oprah on DVR) that's too good not to share.

I love flip flops as much as anyone, but what I don't love is seeing my (and everyone else's) cracked white heels. I always assumed this was an unavoidable outcome to wearing flip flops year round, until, that is, I caught beauty expert Paula Begoun on Oprah.

If your flip-flop-wearing cracked heels bother you as much as they do me, then take note.

Before bed, wipe your heels with a Stridex face pad (one that contains salicylic acid), then apply a rich moisturizer (I use Baby Aquafor), put on socks, and sleep your cracked heels away. This works wonders as long as you're willing to keep up the nightly routine.

Visit Oprah's site for the specific products Paula recommended.

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