Thursday, July 30, 2009

Kids' Garden Salad as seen in Parents (07/08)

I've found that my 5 year old daughter enjoys food even more when she's had a hand in preparing it. So, rather than replicate the flower as impeccably pictured in Parents, I prepared the ingredients (she picked her own basil stem from her garden) and she created her own version of a garden salad flower "Look! Mine has nectar!" she declared as she added a yellow tomato on top of the cheese center. My 17 month old also got in on the fun.

Parents instructions:

1) Slice tiny yellow tomatoes in half lengthwise and arrange them, cut side down, in the shape of a petal.
2) Put whole red grape tomatoes on top and fill center with mini mozzarella balls (we used mini babybel instead).
3) Break off a piece of a basil plant to resemble a stem and, voila, you've grown a healthy snack.